
Notice on Freeport – EMIP

It has been quite a while since the Freeport was announced and, in spite of the undoubted impact of EMIP on local communities resulting from the development of Etwall/Egginton Common, very little information has been forthcoming from Goodman, the developer.  

Right from the outset of the Freeport announcement Egginton Parish Council has actively engaged with Goodman detailing our concerns about the likely impact of this development both on Egginton and the Parish as a whole. 

Earlier last year the Parish Council instigated regular liaison meetings between Goodman, Toyota and local Parish Councils to provide the opportunity for debate and the raising of issues and concerns. To date there have been four Liaison Meetings. The Parish Council also produced a Preliminary Position Statement and a separate Flood Report, which have both been circulated to Goodman and local authorities, essentially making clear our concerns about flood risk, visual impact, diesel emissions, noise & light pollution, rail freight issues, road traffic and crime together with demands of what it expects from the developer in the form of mitigation measures.  

At the most recent Liaison Meeting held in late April Goodman were more forthcoming and updated the meeting on a number of key points. Slides and notes from the meeting are attached for your information. One point that is not covered in these notes, although it is illustrated on one of the slides, is there was a verbal commitment from Goodman that land to the south of the railway will not be developed but turned into amenity land for the use of the public. Let’s hope that Goodman is good to their word on this very important point.

In the meantime Egginton and Etwall Parish Councils are working on a Joint Impact Statement which will be sent to the independent Inspectors when the Development Consent Order is submitted to the Planning Inspectorate in H2 next year.

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