‘EggiNet’ is a form of village Newsletter providing relevant and important information about goings on in and around the village. We circulate news by email on social events, village meetings, crime information, planning matters and other information we think residents would like to hear about.
To join EggiNet Email or call Miles Nesbitt on 01283 732283.
Be assured EggiNet emails are sent out confidentially. We will not pass your email address on to anyone else.
Etwall & Egginton Express
For printed details of village activities, why not order “The Express”, delivered monthly for only 50p per month. Contact Derek Price or 01283 733656.
Also available from the Church.
Village Lottery
Generous monthly prizes and a special Christmas Draw! In aid of St Wilfrid’s Church, Egginton
Contact Sir Henry Every 01283 733824
Egginton History – ‘To Egginton from Eghintune’
This excellent publication can be obtained from St. Wilfrid’s Church for £5.00 or from 45 Duck Street, Egginton, DE65 6HG for £6.00 including p&p.
In a Country area control of your dog is VITAL. Please read the attached notice from Egginton Parish Council