EXPLANATION OF VARIANCES 2020-2021 / 2021-2022
3. 2020-2021 Receipts include a payment of £9000.00 which was transferred from the Yorkshire Bank account on closing into the Unity Trust Bank account which is now our sole account.
Other receipts for 2020-2021 were lower because we were unable to hold the 2020 bonfire event because of Covid restrictions.
2021-2022 shows receipts which include £2,766.00 from the bonfire event of 2021
6. Payment from the Yorkshire bank ( £9000.00 mentioned above ) brings 2020-2021 payments down to £4,610.00. Covid restriction on events made an impact here.
Payments for 2021-2022 …….. £10,713.00 include :-
£885.00 VAT still to be claimed
£605.00 newly appointed Village Warden fees
£635.00 more paid on CJPF maintenance
£737.00 more paid on Village maintenance
£1013.00 cost of setting up new Village website
£2288 bonfire costs
£500.00 QPJC costs
TOTAL – £6663.00